Tuesday, January 29, 2008

30 Things To Be Grateful For Turning 30!

So today was the dreaded day that I was finally kicked out of my 20's. I can't believe it happened so quickly. Not that I feel any older but leaving the twenties in the past is kind of sad, not to mention that Greg will still be in his twenties for another year and few months so that just seems to rub salt into my open wound. Anyway, I had a great day!! Greg took the day off because he is flying to Alaska as we speak. We went to the temple this morning, then to the Cheescake Factory for lunch. It was delicious. I'm glad Utah is finally catching up with some good restaurants. A little piece of their cheescake always makes things better. I then tortured Greg with some retail therapy for myself. He and Caleb were good sports. We went to Ross, a torturous store for Greg, he hates all the racks of clothes. It is a treasure trove for me, trying to find the hidden treasure amongst the junk. I did it though. I found a dress for $1.49. Can you believe it. $1.49. That's what I call a steal of a deal!! Anyway it was an all right day. Here is my list of the 30 things I'm thankful for on this day anyway....

1. Greg- he's a trooper and the rock of our home.
2. Olivia & Caleb- two of the cutest and funniest tykes you'll ever meet. I'm lucky to be able to stay home and be their mom.
3. Parents and wonderful in-laws--they both live so close and are such a strength to us.
4. Grandparents--need I say more, love you all.
5. Sisters-in good times and bad--cheese fries and tears come together, love ya sistas, my sister in laws and cousins are included..
6. Aunts, Uncles and cousins-I've been lucky to grow up with so many all around and actually see and know them,
7. The Gospel-don't need to explain much on this one, the foundation of my life and being
8. Vacations--I love a good vacation, especially if it includes the Beach,
9. Cherry Coke zero-love the zero calories and the fabulous taste
10. Shoes- I was born to be a shoe girl, from the tradition of my mother and grandmother Bub.
11. Bargain Shopping--love to bargain shop and find a good deal-Greg get's sick of me telling him the great deals I get but I know he does appreciate it.
12. Friends-that have been there through the good, the bad, and the ugly times. Love them all.
13. Girl's night Out- Girls just want to have fun!!!
14. TIVO-next to the walkman and Tab it is the greatest invention of the 20th century-name that movie- the answer is velcro- do I have you wondering. Email me for the answer!! What would I do without TIVO?
15. Food-I love to eat and eat and eat, especially if I don't have to cook it and clean it up.
16. Books-I love to read and escape life in a book-Can Edward just bite Bella yet? getting a little bored with all the messing around, just get it done already.
17. IKEA in Utah-finally!! Although one less thing to look at when going to California!!
18. The beach-love it and miss it. Summer please come!!
19. NO BEDREST-I'm so thankful that I don't have to do bedrest again on my birthday this year!! (But little Caleb is so sweet and adorable I'd totally do it again.)
20. Nieces and Nephews-I have the cutest nieces and nephews. Olivia & Caleb are so lucky to see them so often.
21. Pre-school-The 4 hours a week she goes allows me my sanity for the week, grocery shopping goes so much better and I can actually venture into a craft store or Tai-pan without the fear of her breaking something.
22. Card Club- Just joined a card club my friends started and it has been so much fun, plus the cards are really cute.
23. Pashmina-Jordan gave me my first one, I was one at my party that actually knew what it was and you'll get pictures of it as soon as Jord emails them to me.
24. Exercise-thank heavens I can still exercise and I've started running again-that has helped my butt not turn completely into cellulite (I also attribute this to my grandpa Pop's metabolism I inherited--lucky me)
25. Karaoke revolution-a family favorite-I love music but was not blessed with a voice-but it's still fun.
26. Photoshop-to help take out the dark circles under my eyes and wrinkles appearing in my skin
27. Massages-love them, they are so relaxing and I am so excited because Greg gave me a gift certificate for one for my birthday-thank you honey!
28. March Madness-I look forward to this one every year-the first weekend is amazing!! College basketball rocks-I wish the U would get back up there but I still like to watch. Last year I was still on bedrest so it made that part of time go by faster.
29. Blogging-This blogging business is pretty fun even though I am still a newbie. It's great to help keep in touch and know what's going on in people's lives. Plus I've decided it's the new journal keeping.
30. Turning 30 is definetely better than turning 40 or 50, so here's to hopefully a few more great years.

P.S. The picture will have to come later because I'm using our old laptop and it won't work so you'll all have to wait until Greg gets back from Alaska!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

In Loving Memory....

All the cousins with Famp!! We'll all miss Bub!!

Bub and Caleb

To one of the greatest person I've known in my life. My dear sweet grandma "Bub" passed away unexpectedly on January 6. It took everyone by surprise as she just kind of snuck out on us. It has been a really hard time. I think that I cried more the first 10 days of 2008 than I did in the entire year of 2007. Bub was just amazing. I never heard her speak anything bad about anyone else. She always made you feel so special. When I was little, I loved sleeping over at her house. She would make the best pancakes and would put them in whatever shape you would order. She was an amazing cook. Her lemon meringue pies and potato salad will be greatly missed. She was always giving to everyone else. She raised an amazing family. I have great aunts, uncles and cousins. It has been such a great comfort to be able to spend time with all of them and just be together. Sitting around and remembering and talking about Bub and all her great qualities and memories have helped ease the sadness. I could try all my life and not be able to accomplish everything she did and the person that she was. She has made me want to try harder to be better and more like her. She touched so many lives. My sister, Jordan and I were talking and we both have had more of a desire to be better cooks. I guess that's good for Greg and Zac, or not because they get all the rejects. I love my family and am grateful for all of them. Thank heavens for blogging because we can keep tabs better. Hankie girls forever!! I love you Bub and am trying to be like you!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Winter Wonderland!

We had a wonderful Christmas!! The kids definitely were spoiled. We then headed up to the Island Park cabin for some snowmobiling. It was just beautiful. The trees were covered in snow. O loves to go to the cabin and being with her cousins. She can't get enough of it. They love riding on the snow mobiles. There were only a few minor set backs, but that's what will make it so memorable. The water was having some issues the first day, luckily they got it working the next day. I heard they had great fun trying to melt snow to flush the toilets!! Then a little flu bug swept through the cabin, bouncing from family to family. We were pretty lucky, only little C came down with the pukes. It made for a few sleepless nights, that are still continuing as they both have a cough and runny nose now. We decided to come home day early but still had a fun time.