Monday, March 29, 2010

How Do You Sleep?

At our house, we have a funny little routine. We'll do the whole bedtime routine and get the kids in bed. Eventually, the little man will come out and say, "I need to tell you summthing" and I'll say what, then he replies in a whisper, "I LOOOOVE YOu!!" It's pretty cute the first few times and I tell him I love him too, but on about the tenth time my patience seems to be wearing thin. It is the end of another long day. Well, we told him to go back to bed and as we were going to bed we checked in on the kids and this is what we found. Hat on....check. Ball close by.....check.
Sweet Dreams little boy....
The next night we went through the same routine, told him to go back to bed and he ran off. We went to check in on the kids and of course sister was sound asleep in her bed, but the little man's bed was empty!!! We searched around wondering where he could have gone...he wasn't in by his sister, he wasn't by his toys or in the closet, we went into our room and here is what we found...
Tired little boy crawled up in mom and dads bed sound asleep......with his cars cars of course.
What a funny little man that is always keeping us on our toes but we love him to pieces!!!


Sunday, March 21, 2010


What a week we've had. On Monday, I was helping O brush her teeth and thought I saw a noodle stuck behind her tooth. As I looked closer, I realized it was another tooth making it's way up. I was pretty surprised. Her front little baby tooth was wiggly as can be. She wiggled it all week and finally on Saturday morning at breakfast it just popped out. She was so excited!!! My parents took her out for an ice cream cone at McDonald's and the tooth was put into a bag so it wouldn't get lost, but of course by bedtime the tooth was no where to be found!! Well the tooth fairy must have heard she had lost her tooth because this morning there was a dollar under her pillow. Pretty cool for a 5 year old.Right after her little tooth popped out.
C man wanting to show dad his teeth too. He's a busy boy that's keeping his mom on her toes!!



My little brother Luke finally got his mission call and he is going to the Brazil Macieo mission. We are really excited for him. He leaves June 29 so we still have a few months before he goes. I do have to brag that we had a page of guesses of where he would go and I, yes you read it right, I was the one who guessed right. That's what the best big sisters are for.Here's Livy by the enevelope waiting for it to get open!!
Luke reading where his destination is to be!!
With my parents!!


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Au Revoir!!!

I have needed to post for a while but honestly have not felt quite up to it. I HATE goodbyes, even if you know they are coming. I'm glad February is over and that March is here. I'm glad it is getting warmer and that SPRING is coming.
My grandpa, POP, as we called him, passed away on Feb 13. He was 89. We knew it was coming but it's still hard to say goodbye. Pop was such a great grandpa. He served in WWII and had many amazing stories that we would try to pry out of him. I found out after he had died that when they liberated Rome from the Nazi's he met the Pope.

Pop was retired my entire life and I was so lucky to be able to spend so much time with my grandparents. They came to every soccer game, graduation, program, wedding, blessing or any other event that was important to my life. I'm so grateful for all the Jazz & Utah games that I got to go with Pop to. He had the best sense of humor and was always making us laugh and smile. We always went to California with them and it was the best. My grandparents would always come up to K-town every Friday night. We could always count on them being there for us.

I got to say a few memories, along with my siblings and cousins, at the funeral and I'm so glad I was able to do it and pay tribute to POP. I also got to put together a video of his life. He had a WONDERFUL life. He touched so many people. I'll miss him so much but it has made me think of what I really want out of life. It's been a good reflection for me and the legacy I want to leave. I LOVE YOU POP!!! Thanks for everything.

With Greg and I at our wedding, outside the temple
All the girls at Jord's wedding .

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